…of the current learners in this activity. As you move downwards on the instructor dashboard, you will encounter the item analysis table which allows you to see the failure and success rates…
Results for "FAIL RATE"
We found 4 results for your search.
How do I run an asynchronous IRAT activity?
…“Go to Dashboard”on the right-side of your actions column of the activity. You will notice that the questions will be listed in the Item Analysis board according to the learner fail rate,…
How do I run asynchronous activities?
…equipped with live data that you can use to The table automatically reorganizes the questions based on the highest fail-rate percentage. Click the table header to sort each column to…
How do I run synchronous activities?
…Analysis table is equipped with live data that you can use to The table automatically reorganizes the questions based on the highest fail-rate percentage. Click the table header to sort…