…you can see if specific accounts were created manually, via the LTI integration, express-sign-in-url, or through the generic accounts feature. Additional Information Status appears as “lapse” – This means the…
Results for "express sign"
How do I edit an instructor’s details?
…instructor’s details. You will be able to edit the instructor’s first name, last name, make the instructor an admin teacher, and allow the instructor to use express sign in. You…
How do I register to my course using the “course link”?
…for: Learners Steps on How to Register your Course Using the Course Link. Step 1 – Click the Express Sign-in URL to go to the registration page of your course….
How do I register to my course using the “course ID”?
…on How to Register to Your Course USing the Course ID. Step 1 – Login to auth.intedashboard.com Step 2 – Click the white button “Express Sign In” in the middle of…
How do I register to my course using my Microsoft account?
…Account. Step 1 – Click on the express sign-in URL given by your instructor. Step 2 – Click the button “Sign-in with Microsoft”. Step 3 – Enter your Microsoft email….
How do I register to my course using my Google account?
…Account. Step 1 – Click on the express sign-in URL given by your instructor. Step 2 – Click the button “Sign-in with Google”. Step 3 – Enter your Google email….
How do I enable learners to self-register with their Microsoft accounts?
This article will guide you on how to use the Express Sign-In feature to enable learners to self register with their Microsoft accounts. Access to the Express Sign-in feature needs…
How do I enable learners to self-register with their Google accounts?
This article will guide you on how to use the Express Sign-In feature to enable learners to self register with their Google accounts. Access to the Express Sign-in feature needs…
How do I give an InteDashboard account to instructors?
…specific teacher will be able to use the express sign in functionality to run trainings and workshops. Please note that the Express Sign-in is designed for ad hoc faculty development sessions. (Not for normal classroom usage)….
How do I add instructor-users to our InteDashboard account?
…to the account. Allow this teacher to use Express Sign in When toggled to “Yes“, allows the newly added instructor to use the express sign in functionality to run trainings…
How do I enable learners to self-register with an email and password?
…by QR code (3) by Course ID. Read on to find out more. Express Sign-in URL Learners can simply click the Express Sign-in URL to go to the registration page…
How do I use Express Sign in?
This article will guide you on how to use the Express Sign-In feature for temporary training sessions. You can use the Express Sign-In feature to quickly add temporary learners to your course….