…thus, makes a huge difference in how the learners approach the team readiness assurance test. On the instructors’ end, confidence-based testing allows the instructor to immediately notice students’ preparation level…
Results for "immediat"
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What are the IRAT Optional Settings?
…click continue setup. Enable Immediate Feedback This option when toggled to “YES” will give learners instant feedback as to whether or not their answers are right or wrong. This feature…
How do I add hints and explanations to questions?
…the right answer. Step 9 – Move down the page and enter your hint. Ensure that Immediate feedback is turned on Hint is shown to the learners when they get…
How does “Immediate Feedback” in IRAT work?
This article will explain to you how Immediate Feedback in IRAT works. Learners can collectively see if they got their answer right or wrong via immediate feedback. What allows this to…