Table of Contents
This article will help you integrate InteDashboard with Moodle as an LTI tool. To integrate InteDashboard with LEO you will need to have the admin rights from your organization to modify or add LTI Provider to your LEO account. You will also need to have a course created on InteDashboard, so you can grab the LMS integration details from that course and integrate it those details into Leo. Integration is a COURSE to COURSE basis. This means that the course in LEO must correspond to a course in InteDashboard.
This Guide is for:
- Super Admin
- Admin Teacher (Full-Access)
- Teacher (Owner Full-Access)
Steps on How to Integrate InteDashboard with Moodle.
Step 1 – Click the button “Courses” on the left-side navigation.

Step 2 – Click the name of the course in which you want to integrate InteDashboard with Moodle.

Step 3 – Click the “Settings” tab on the top left inside the course.

Step 4 – Go to the “Enrollment Settings” tab.

- Keep the page above open, so you can quickly access this data in a few minutes.