User Guides > Super Admin > LMS Integration > How do I populate learners while using an LMS?

How do I populate learners while using an LMS?

This article will teach you how to populate learners while using an LMS. Once learners obtain their access code from your organizational bookstore, they’ll submit the code at activation or during the sign in action at the initial stages after you invite them into your course. InteDashboard access codes have an ISBN number. So the learners purchase the code in no different manner than they would purchase a textbook, or any other code from a required course component. If you have a list of learner who are using an LTI, you can pre-populate the teams and sections by following the steps below.

This Guide is for:

  • Super Admin
  • Teacher Admin (Full-Access)
  • Teacher, (Owner Full-Access)

Steps on How to Populate Learners While Using an LMS.

Step 1 – Create a course

Step 2 – Click the course you want to add your learners in.

Step 3 – Step 3 – Click the “Students” tab on the top navigation.

Step 4 – Click the green button “+ New Students(s)” on the top-right of the screen.

Step 5 – Click the button “Copy & Paste” on the top-left side of the screen.

Step 6 – Click the blue button “Next Step” on the bottom-left of the screen.

Step 7 – Click the blue button “Click Here” to download the CSV template.

  • You will be able to open the template on Excel, Google Spreadsheets, Mac Numbers etc.

Step 8 – Fill in the CSV form.

  • First Name (required) This is the first name of the learner.
  • Last Name (required) This is the last name of the learner.
  • Email (required) This is the email address which the learner is required to to sign in with and should be the exact email which is used for their LTI.
  • Student ID – (optional) This is the learners ID given by the institution.
  • Section – (optional) This is used if you intend to divide the class into sections.
  • Team – (optional) This is used to split the class into teams.

Step 9 – Copy all the cells in the CSV form.

  • Use (Control C for Windows or Command C for Mac).
  • Ensure all the headings are copied to avoid getting an error message.

Step 10 – Paste your copied learner information in the box.

Step 11 – Click the blue button “Next Step” on the bottom of the screen.

Step 12 – Click the green button “Confirm” on the top-right of the screen once you have reviewed the list.

  • Once confirmed, you’ll see your learners grouped in the specified section(s) and teams. This will only happen if you have assigned teams in your CSV form.

Step 13 – Learners will be able to access the instructor’s course via their LMS.

Additional Information

  • You can check if your learners have activated their accounts by looking into the student organization data within your course.
  • Learner usernames(emails) cannot be changed after enrollment. You will need to create a new account for that learner if a change is desired.
  • Learners can use the same username(email) for multiple courses. One InteDashboard subscription covers all courses within the registered email and\or academic institution.
  • If a learner is enrolled into two universities at once, the learner will need to purchase two different subscriptions since the activation information is tied to their email address.