…listings. You can insert any of the following identifiable information here: Name, Email, learner or instructor ID. Here you can see the status of your learner and instructor. You’ll be…
Results for "How do I pay for a"
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How to activate my InteDashboard learner account?
…from InteDashboard triggered by your instructor, inviting you to activate your learner account. If you cannot find the email in your inbox or spam folder, you may need to contact…
How do I complete payment using an access code?
This article will teach you how to complete payment using an access code gotten from your school’s bookstore. This Guide is for: Learner Steps on How to Complete Payment Using…
How do I complete payment?
…card details. Step 4 – Click the blue button “Pay” at the bottom of the page. Once payment is confirmed, you will be taken back to your InteDashboard activities page….
How do I make payment for learners using “Gift Subscriptions”?
This article will teach you how to make payment for learners using “Gift Subscriptions”. Payments for learners to gain full access their InteDashboard account can be gifted by instructors. You…