This article will teach you how to suspend an instructor’s account. As the account administrator, you can suspend a instructor’s account. Doing this will temporarily close an instructor’s InteDashboard account and they will…
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How do I give an InteDashboard account to instructors?
…first name of the instructor Last Name – (required) This is the last name of the instructor. Email – (required) This is the email address which the instructor is required…
How do I add instructor-users to our InteDashboard account?
…manage Teachers) When toggled to “Yes” allows the newly added instructor to add other Instructor-users. This is useful in the event the Admin Teacher is unable to add new Instructors…
My learner cannot see the activity
…timestamp for a sign-in. (The logs imprints student actions within InteDashboard. If there’s no sign-in log, the learner didn’t sign in at all.) ⃝ NO, ask the learner(s) to sign-in….
I do not know my own learner account email or password
This guide is for Learners This is a common issue that can be easily fixed. If you are unsure of your learner account email—our recommendation is to try your academic…
I am unable to login
…InteDashboard to reset your password. If it is not in your inbox, check your spam/junk folder. Click the black button in the email labelled “Reset Password”. 6. Follow the prompts…