This article will teach you how to edit an instructor’s details. The account super-administrator has the ability to edit the details [edit name, add/delete/change image, change ability roles] of the…
Results for "image"
How do I make accommodations for learners with special needs?
…will be having 30 minutes IRAT for the whole class, set the duration to 45 minutes (as shown in the above image). This way you will have a 15 minutes…
What are “Rating Scale” type of questions?
…images or links etc. using the rich-text formatting options above. Question Type Choose Rating Scale from the options. Set the Rating Scale Move the toggle from left-to-right or right-to-left to…
How do I insert mathematical equations to answers?
… (Updated as of September 20th 2022) Steps on How to Insert a Mathematical Equation Into an Answer Step 1 – Click on the icon “Insert/edit image” on the right-side…
How do I create an individual Application Case activity?
…Application case activity. Click to learn how Only take note that when creating this activity, choose the correct APPLICATION TYPE – Individual, found on the “Basic Settings” page (see image below)….
How do I start a discussion about my activity’s questions?
…incorrect answer. (See Choice A from the image below.) ③ Sync button When you click the “SYNC” button, the current toggle settings will be turned on for ALL the questions….
How do I hide activities from learners?
…eye icon in your visibility tab. Once Once you’ve clicked eye icon, the icon of the activity should change (see image below). The hidden activity will no longer be visible on the…
How do I insert mathematical equations to questions?
…7 – Click on the icon “Insert/edit image” on the right-side of the question stem box. To insert a mathematical equation Into an answer stem click on the icon “Insert/edit…
What happens when I turn off grading in an Application Case activity?
…dashboard will only give you one option, which is to Reset Activity. (see image below) Whereas graded Applications give you additional options to Export Grades and Go to Grades. (see image below)…
Where can I put case data in my activity?
…– Click the blue button “Upload Attachments” in the attachments panel. Learners will see the images/link or question attachment for each question. This is a per-question basis–meaning, the image, link,…