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How do I create a Prework activity?

This article will teach you how to create a Prework activity. Prework activity type allows you to upload preparatory materials for your learners such as readings, presentation slides, audio lectures or video lectures providing the basic theory and content that learners should review before class. This Guide is for: Super Admin Teacher Admin (Full-Access) Teacher, (Owner… Continue reading How do I create a Prework activity?

How do I create an individual Application Case activity?

This article will teach you how to create an individual Application Case activity. An individual-based Application case activity is a type of application wherein learners will take the test by themselves. This Guide is for: Super Admin Teacher Admin (Full-Access) Teacher, (Owner Full-Access) Creating an Individual-based Application Case Activity is similar to the creation steps… Continue reading How do I create an individual Application Case activity?

Where can I put case data in my activity?

This article will teach you how to enter case data into InteDashboard. This Guide is for: Super Admin Teacher Admin (Full-Access) Teacher, (Owner Full-Access) There are 2 ways you can put case data with InteDashboard: One case per question In the Question stem of each Application question. Uploading a file for each Application question. One case for the… Continue reading Where can I put case data in my activity?

How do I change the order of questions in an activity?

This article will teach you how to change the order of questions in an activity. Please take note that you will not be able to change the order of questions once the activities are published. This Guide is for: Super Admin Teacher Admin (Full-Access) Teacher, (Owner Full-Access) Steps on How to Change the Order of… Continue reading How do I change the order of questions in an activity?

How do I export an activity’s questions?

This article will teach you how to export an activity’s questions. Exporting the questions will download a .XLSX file that you can open in any excel or spreadsheet software for your own use. This Guide is for: Super Admin Teacher Admin (Full-Access) Teacher, (Owner Full-Access) Steps on How to Export an Activity’s Questions. Step 1… Continue reading How do I export an activity’s questions?

How do I edit questions in my activity?

This article will teach you how to edit questions in your activity. You can only edit activities that are not published and have not started. It’s important that you know that once you publish the activity, you won’t be able to edit until you reset or duplicate the activity. Then you can publish the activity… Continue reading How do I edit questions in my activity?

Run my first activity using the Dashboard

This article will teach you how to run your first activity using the dashboard. This Guide is for: Super Admin Teacher Admin (Full-Access) Teacher (Owner Full-Access) Steps on How to Run Your First Activity Using the Dashboard. Step 1 – Click the button “Courses” on the left-side navigation. Step 2 – Click on the course… Continue reading Run my first activity using the Dashboard

How do I create an Application Case activity?

This article will teach you how to create an Application case activity. This Guide is for: Super Admin Teacher Admin (Full-Access) Teacher (Owner Full-Access) Steps on How to Create an Application Case Activity Step 1 – Click the button “Courses” on the left-side navigation. Step 2 – Click on the course you want to add… Continue reading How do I create an Application Case activity?

How do I run activities across multiple sections?

This article will teach you how to run activities across multiple sections. InteDashboard allows instructors to run the same course content towards different learner sections. There’s no need to create and re-create—or duplicate courses.  This Guide is for: Super Admin Teacher Admin (Full-Access) Teacher (Owner Full-Access) Steps on How to Run Activities Across Multiple Sections.… Continue reading How do I run activities across multiple sections?

How do I add questions to an activity using the file upload method?

This article will teach you how to add questions to an activity using the file upload method. This Guide is for: Super Admin Teacher Admin (Full-Access) Teacher (Owner Full-Access) Steps on How to Add Questions to an Activity Using the File Upload Method. Step 1 – Click the button “Courses” on the left-side navigation. Step… Continue reading How do I add questions to an activity using the file upload method?

How do I add questions to an activity using the question bank method?

This article will teach you how to add questions to an activity using the question bank method. The Question Bank is a place where all instructors can input questions. Questions added to the bank are available to all instructors at an institutional level. The Question Bank is one of the most valuable features of InteDashboard.… Continue reading How do I add questions to an activity using the question bank method?

How do I add questions to an activity using the create new question method?

This article will teach you how to add questions to an activity using the create new question method.  This Guide is for: Super Admin Teacher Admin (Full-Access) Teacher (Owner Full-Access) Steps on How to Add Questions to an Activity Using The Create New Question Method. Step 1 – Click the button “Courses” on the left-side… Continue reading How do I add questions to an activity using the create new question method?

How do I add questions to an activity using the copy & paste method?

This article will explain how to add questions to an activity using the Copy & Paste method.  This Guide is for: Super Admin Teacher Admin (Full-Access) Teacher (Owner, Full-Access) Steps on How to Add Questions to an Activity Using the Copy and Paste Method. Step 1 – Click the button “Courses” on the left-side navigation.… Continue reading How do I add questions to an activity using the copy & paste method?

Where do I find the template to add questions to an activity?

This article shows you where to find the approved CSV template used to add questions during your activity setup. This Guide is for: Super Admin Teacher Admin (Full-Access) Teacher (Owner Full-Access) Steps on Where to Find the Template to Add Questions to an Activity. Step 1 – Click the button “Courses” on the left-side navigation.… Continue reading Where do I find the template to add questions to an activity?

How do I move an activity to another module?

This article will teach you how to move an activity to another module. You can move a “Draft” activity to another module (within the same course). This Guide is for: Super Admin Admin Teacher (Full-Access) Teacher (Owner Full-Access) Steps on how to move an activity to another module Step 1 – Click the button “Courses”… Continue reading How do I move an activity to another module?

How do I start a discussion about my activity’s questions?

InteDashboard is equipped with the ability to facilitate discussions with learners using the Presentation Mode. The Presentation Screen works like “slides” where you can screen-share or project questions together with learners’ answers statistics to open the door for class discussions. Read on to learn more. This Guide is for: Super Admin Admin Teacher (Full-Access) Teacher (Course Owner,… Continue reading How do I start a discussion about my activity’s questions?

How do I delete an activity?

This article will teach you how to delete an activity. This Guide is for: Super Admin Admin Teacher (Full-Access) Teacher (Owner Full-Access) Steps on How to Archive a Module Step 1 – Click the button “Courses” on the left-side navigation. Step 2 – Click the name of the course in which the activity you want… Continue reading How do I delete an activity?

How can I add learners to “ongoing” activities?

This article shows you how to add new learners, who are late enrollees to existing activities currently set to “Not Started” and “Ongoing” status. This Guide is for: Super Admin Admin Teacher (Full-Access) Teacher (Owner Full-Access) Steps on How to Add Learners to “Ongoing” Activities Step 1 – Once the learner has signed in, you… Continue reading How can I add learners to “ongoing” activities?

How do I hide activities from learners?

This article will teach you how to hide and declutter your published activities off the dashboard of your learners. you can only hide Scheduled Asynchronous and Synchronous activities. This Guide is for: Super Admin Admin Teacher (Full-Access) Teacher (Owner Full-Access) Steps on How to Hide Activities from Learners Step 1 – In the Modules &… Continue reading How do I hide activities from learners?

How do I download my activity’s grades?

This article shows you how to generate and export your learner grades. This Guide is for: Super Admin Teacher Admin (Full-Access) Teacher (Owner Full-Access) Steps on How to Download my Activity’s Grades Step 1 – Click the blue button “Go to Dashboard” on the right-side of your actions column of the activity. Step 2 –… Continue reading How do I download my activity’s grades?

How do I publish an activity?

This article will teach you how to publish your activity once you have created your activity and enrolled learners to your course as well as assigned them to teams or sections and are ready to launch the activity. Once you publish the activity, you won’t be able to go back and change the values set… Continue reading How do I publish an activity?

How do I modify my activity content?

This walkthrough will will teach you how to modify your activity content that has not been published and published. You will not be able to modify activities which status are ongoing. This Guide is for: Super Admin Admin Teacher (Full-Access) Teacher (Owner Full-Access) Steps on How to Modify Activity Content that is not Published Step… Continue reading How do I modify my activity content?

How do I create an activity?

Once you’ve determined how you would organize your course content into modules, you can create activities (IRATs, TRATs, Application Cases, and 360 Degree Evaluation) within them. This Guide is for: Super Admin Admin Teacher (Full-Access) Teacher (Course Owner, Full-Access) Steps on How to Create an Activity Step 1 – Click the green button “+New Activity”… Continue reading How do I create an activity?

How do I run synchronous activities?

Synchronous activities are taken by learners at the same time. Instructors are equipped with control buttons that would trigger the start of an activity (or “pause”, “resume” and “force end”.). This is true with all activity types (iRAT, tRAT, Application Case and Peer Evaluation). This guide is for: Super Admin Admin Teacher Teacher Let’s start… Continue reading How do I run synchronous activities?

How do I run asynchronous activities?

Asynchronous activities are taken by learners at different times within an “open period”. Instructors are equipped with the same instructor dashboard similar to synchronous activities with just a few differences with the control panel. The activity starts automatically when the open period starts. There is no “Pause Activity” button. You can extend the open period… Continue reading How do I run asynchronous activities?
