…button in the course info collum. Step 5 – Change the date for the end period first. Make sure after choosing the month and year to click on a specific…
Results for "how do i edit st"
How to run Peer Evaluation – Michaelsen’s Method?
…peers. These are the default settings, however, InteDashboard is flexible in the sense that these parameters mentioned can be changed according to the needs of the instructor or the institution….
How do I complete payment?
…payment method section, select your plan type and click the green button “Checkout via Stripe”. Step 3 – Fill in your credit card details. Step 4 – Click the blue…
How do I organize my modules?
…you’re working on. Archiving Unnecessary Modules InteDashboard does not encourage teachers to delete a module. If you need to remove a module from your dashboard, you could instead “archive” it….
What is Peer-Evaluation – Michaelsen’s Method?
…settings, however, InteDashboard is flexible in the sense that these parameters mentioned can be changed according to the needs of the instructor or the institution. Steps on How to Create…
How do I enable “rich-text responses” in free response questions?
…to Enable Rich Text Responses in Free Response Questions. Step 1 – In Step 2 of the activity creation process (Questions) go to the panel “Choose a Method for adding…
How do I enroll learners to a course via file upload?
…Email – (required) This is the email address which the learner is required to sign in with. Student ID – (optional) This is the learners ID given by the institution….
How do I enroll learners to a course via copy & paste?
…Mac Numbers etc. Step 8 – Fill in the CSV form. First Name – (required) This is the first name of the learner. Last Name – (required) This is the…
How do I integrate InteDashboard with D2L Brightspace?
…details from that course and integrate it those details into D2L Brightspace. This Guide is for: Super Admin Admin Teacher (Full-Access) Teacher (Owner Full-Access) Steps on How to Integrate InteDashboard…
How to activate my InteDashboard learner account?
…from InteDashboard triggered by your instructor, inviting you to activate your learner account. If you cannot find the email in your inbox or spam folder, you may need to contact…
How do I use the Questions Bank filter?
…feature is specifically helpful if you have multiple faculty working on different courses. This Guide is for: Super Admin Teacher Admin (Full-Access) Teacher, (Owner Full-Access) Description of the Filter Categories…
How do I give an InteDashboard account to instructors?
…first name of the instructor Last Name – (required) This is the last name of the instructor. Email – (required) This is the email address which the instructor is required…
How do I change my account’s password?
…My Profile” in the drop-down. Step 3 – Click on the white button “Edit” on the top-right of the page. Step 4 – Enter your new password. Step 5 –…
How do I share access with other instructors in my course?
This article will teach you how to share access to other instructors in your course. This Guide is for: Super Admin Admin Teacher (Full-Access) Teacher (Owner Full-Access) Steps on How…
How do I duplicate courses?
…best used at the beginning of the semester. This Guide is for: Super Admin Admin Teacher (Full-Access) Teacher (Owner Full-Access) Steps on How to Duplicate Courses. Step 1 – Click…
How do I download the IRAT & TRAT activity grades?
…course in which the activity is in. Step 3 – Click the blue button “Go to Dashboard”on the right-side of your actions column of the activity. Step 4 – End…
How do I download my activity’s grades?
…Actions” on the top-right corner. Step 3 – Click the blue button “Export Grades” in the drop-down. Step 4 – A pop-up will appear to generate grades report. Click on…
How do I modify my activity content?
…“Courses” on the left-side navigation. Step 2 – Click the name of the course in which your activity is in. Step 3 – Click the grey button “Continue Setup” on…
How do I create a 360 Degree Self-evaluation activity?
…teammates – toggle this NO Students must evaluate themselves – toggle this YES the evaluation questions consist of questions for self-evaluation, i.e. “I stay on task and complete my work on time.“…
How do I create a 360 Degree Evaluation activity?
…team as a whole. Students must evaluate their instructors – toggle this YES if the evaluation questions consist of questions that will evaluate the instructors/teachers/professors/facilitator. Name – (required) This is the…
How do I insert mathematical equations to answers?
…https://latexeditor.lagrida.com. (Updated as of September 20th 2022) Steps on How to Insert a Mathematical Equation Into an Answer Step 1 – Click on the icon “Insert/edit image” on the right-side…
What are Roles?
…suspend/reactivate instructor accounts, and grant instructors ownership to the other instructor’s courses. InteDashboard can allow multiple Super Admins for their institution by request. Please contact support@intedashboard.com. Admin Instructor The Admin users…
How do I create an activity?
…by assigned teams of learners. IRAT & TRAT – It is a short quiz that is taken by individual learners first, (IRAT), then the same set of questions are taken…
Where can I put case data in my activity?
…the application activity creation click on the icon “Insert/edit image” on the right-side of the question stem box. You can also click on the icon “Insert link” icon in the…
How do I insert mathematical equations to questions?
…7 – Click on the icon “Insert/edit image” on the right-side of the question stem box. To insert a mathematical equation Into an answer stem click on the icon “Insert/edit…
What do the course access levels mean in InteDashboard?
This article will explain the course access levels and permissions on InteDashboard. InteDashboard enables instructors to share courses with other instructors. There are 3 access levels in InteDashboard – Course Owner,…
How do I edit a course?
This article will teach you how to edit a course. This Guide is for: Super Admin Admin Teacher (Full-Access) Teacher (Owner Full-Access) Steps on How to Edit a Course Step…
How do I edit an instructor’s details?
…instructors in your InteDashboard account. This Guide is for: Super Admin Steps on How to Edit an Instructor’s Details. Step 1 – Click the button “People” on the left-side navigation….
How do I edit questions in my activity?
This article will teach you how to edit questions in your activity. You can only edit activities that are not published and have not started. It’s important that you know…