…browser does not load the new version of the site, even if there have been changes on the site since the last visit, the cache can cause issues with the…
Results for "change name"
How do I create a Prework activity?
…the drop-down to select the module to add activity to. Activity Type – (required) Select Prework ** This cannot be changed once saved. Prework type – (required) Simple. Name –…
How do I make accommodations for learners with special needs?
…into the team/teams you create within the new sections area. Step 8 – Click the green button “Update” on the top-right or bottom-left of the page to save your changes. You…
How does “Team Reporter” work?
…gets assigned as the team reporter. The designated Team Reporter, however, can still be changed and the learners can discuss among themselves who gets to become the Team Reporter, instructors,…
How do I add hints and explanations to questions?
…11 – Go to “Optional Settings” in your activity creation process. Enable – Students can change their answers. Enable – Enable Immediate feedback. Enable – Shows hints and explanations for…
How can I preview an activity as a learner?
…established as a quality check before moving ahead to publish the activity and changes can be made to your activity setup after previewing as a learner and before publishing the…
How do I run activities across multiple sections?
…into the teams you create within the new section area. Step 10 – Click the green button “Update” on the top-right or bottom-left of the page to save your changes….
How do I hide activities from learners?
…eye icon in your visibility tab. Once Once you’ve clicked eye icon, the icon of the activity should change (see image below). The hidden activity will no longer be visible on the…
How do I disenroll a number of learners from my course?
…pop-up will appear, confirm your action by clicking the red button “Confirm Disenroll”. Step 9 – Click the green button “Update” on the top-right of the screen to save changes….
How do I share access with other instructors in my course?
…learners. Read Only – will only allow the instructor to view the course and activities. Step 7 – Click the green button “Confirm” on the bottom-left to save your changes….
How do I release 360 Degree Evaluation anonymously?
…Please note that just as you can toggle these options to YES, you can also go back toggle them to NO and the change reflects in the accounts of all…
How to setup an e-Gallery Walk?
…a comments box section. Once they vote, they can no longer comment or change votes. Our recommendations ✅ Ask your learners to “comment” or feedback on each team’s answer before…
How do I enable learners to self-register with an email and password?
…password for the account. See a quick video below: Recommendations (Do’s and Dont’s) Dont’s ⚠️ Do not change the enrollment settings in the middle of the semester. Changing this affects how…
How do i put my learners into teams?
…the team where you want them to belong. Step 7 – Click the green button “Update” on the top-right or bottom-left of the screen to save changes. Important Information Some…
How do I organize my modules?
…to them. Modules are placed on top of the other according to period. You may click on the “Edit” icon on the right-side of the module to make changes to…
How do I reset an instructor’s password?
…Password to **** – Instructor can use a 6-digit code as a password to login. **Advice the instructor to change their password from their profile to make sure that their accounts are secured….
How does “During team-based activities, team members will see what the team leader sees” work?
…the team reporter while the activity is on-going, and after the activity has ended. Steps on How o Change the “During team-based activities, team members will see what the team…
My learner cannot see the activity
…the new version of the site, even if there have been changes on the site since the last visit, the cache can cause issues with the view.Click a link below…
How do I create a 360 Degree Self-evaluation activity?
…“Publish Activity” on the top-left of the page to publish the activity. Once you publish the activity, you won’t be able to go back and change the values set until…
How do I create a 360 Degree Evaluation activity?
…top-left of the page to publish the activity. Once you publish the activity, you won’t be able to go back and change the values set until you reset or duplicate…
What are “Rating Scale” type of questions?
…Create a Rating Scale Statement in the Question Stem text-box. For example, “This learner offers valuable insights during team-activity discussions.” You can format how the questions looks–change font sizes, add…
What is IRAT Confidence-based Testing?
…a single answer choice. Confidence-based testing changes a learner’s thinking and adds another step in his/her thinking process. This, in turn, changes the conversation when the learner goes into the…
How do I lock / unlock team reporter roles within teams?
…be able to change the leader via the takeover as reporter button as usual. There are no new learning processes for learners and everything remains the same. Steps on How to Lock…
What is Peer-Evaluation – Michaelsen’s Method?
…settings, however, InteDashboard is flexible in the sense that these parameters mentioned can be changed according to the needs of the instructor or the institution. Steps on How to Create…
How do I enroll learners to a course?
…usernames(emails) cannot be changed after enrollment. You will need to create a new account for that learner if a change is desired. Learners can use the same username(email) for multiple…
How do I enroll learners to a course via file upload?
…learner details Additional Information You can check if your learners have activated their accounts by looking into the student organization data within your course. Learner usernames(emails) cannot be changed after…
How do I enroll learners to a course via copy & paste?
…Learner usernames(emails) cannot be changed after enrollment. You will need to create a new account for that learner if a change is desired. Learners can use the same username(email) for…
How do I create an activity?
…wish to conduct. ** This cannot be changed once saved. Prework – Allows you to upload preparatory materials for your learners such as readings, presentation slides, audio lectures, or video…
How do I populate learners while using an LMS?
…the student organization data within your course. Learner usernames(emails) cannot be changed after enrollment. You will need to create a new account for that learner if a change is desired….
How do I publish an activity?
…sections and are ready to launch the activity. Once you publish the activity, you won’t be able to go back and change the values set until you reset or duplicate…
How do I enroll late enrollees?
…a few last-minute changes in terms of learner enrollments into your course. If you have late enrollees, you can use this method to add them into the course one-by-one. This…
How do I modify my activity content?
…the left side of your actions tab. Once you publish the activity, you won’t be able to go back and change the values set until you reset or duplicate the…
How to run Peer Evaluation – Michaelsen’s Method?
…peers. These are the default settings, however, InteDashboard is flexible in the sense that these parameters mentioned can be changed according to the needs of the instructor or the institution….
How do I create an IRAT & TRAT activity?
…activity. This could include learning objectives or any details you would like to reference. Additional Information IRAT points can be changed per question. TRAT attempt points can be changed per…
How do I set TRAT attempt points for the all instructors?
This article will show how you can change the TRAT Default Point Settings. Different institutions have specific preferences as far as setting up their approach to team-based learning. InteDashboard released…
What are the IRAT Optional Settings?
…students to change answers before final submission This option when toggled to “YES” allows learners to go back to previous questions and change their answers before submitting. Students must answer…
How do I duplicate courses?
…the newly duplicated course named “Copy of (CourseName)”. You can change this. All modules and activities will be the same as the original course – dates, formats, how the activities appear,…
How do I edit an instructor’s details?
This article will teach you how to edit an instructor’s details. The account super-administrator has the ability to edit the details [edit name, add/delete/change image, change ability roles] of the…
How do I run an asynchronous IRAT activity?
…learners will be able to answer the test, change and re-change their answer from the beginning to the end of the open period. Note that once learners hit the “Submit”…
How do I create an Application Case activity?
…If you want learners to be able to change and re-change their answers throughout the entire test, toggle-yes Allow students to change answers before final submission. If you don’t want learners…
How do I edit questions in my activity?
…that once you publish the activity, you won’t be able to edit until you reset or duplicate the activity. Then you can publish the activity again after making changes. This…
How do I run synchronous activities?
…Started“. This changes automatically depending on the status of the activity–Not Started, Ongoing, or Ended. ④ Visibility to Learners. : “Shown to Students“. This changes to “Hidden to students” if…
How do I run asynchronous activities?
…of changes of answers done by the learner with the timestamps per change. This is helpful in mitigating the anxiety for instructors because they can now see a history of…
How do I change my account’s password?
This article will teach you how to change your account’s password. This Guide is for: Super Admin Teacher Admin (Full-Access) Teacher (Owner Full-Access) Learners Steps on How to Change Your…
How do I change my learner’s team assignment?
This article shows you how to re-organize your learners into different teams. This Guide is for: Super Admin Teacher Admin (Full-Access) Teacher (Owner Full-Access) Steps on How to Change my…
How do I change the order of questions in an activity?
This article will teach you how to change the order of questions in an activity. Please take note that you will not be able to change the order of questions…
How do I change the course dates for copied courses?
This article will teach you how to change your course dates for the courses that you have made a copy of. This guide is for Super Admin Admin Instructor Instructor…