This article will teach you how to complete payment using an access code gotten from your school’s bookstore. This Guide is for: Learner Steps on How to Complete Payment Using…
Results for "learner ma"
How do I share access with other instructors in my course?
…type you would like to share under the access drop-down. Full Access – will allow the instructor to create and archive modules and activities, edit, add and remove learners. Read…
How do I register my course using email and password?
…for: Learners Steps on How to Register your Course Using Email and Password. Step 1 – Click the white button “Email / Password” on the “How would you like to…
How do I change my account’s password?
This article will teach you how to change your account’s password. This Guide is for: Super Admin Teacher Admin (Full-Access) Teacher (Owner Full-Access) Learners Steps on How to Change Your…
How do I register to my course using the QR code?
This article will teach you how to register for your course using the QR code once your instructor has shared the QR code with you. This Guide is for: Learners…
How do I download the IRAT & TRAT activity grades?
This article will teach you how to download your learners IRAT and TRAT grades after the end of each activity. This Guide is for: Super Admin Teacher Admin (Full-Access) Teacher…
How to take IRAT with Confidence-based testing?
This article will teach you how to take an IRAT with confidence-based testing. This Guide is for: Learners Steps on How to Take IRAT with Confidence-Based Testing. Step 1 –…
How do I duplicate courses?
This article will teach you how to duplicate courses. Duplicating or making a copy of courses enables instructors to re-use the same course content for the next term. This is…
About InteDashboard
…Length: 2.16 mins All about InteDashboard InteDashboard was conceived by a passionate team of team-based learning educators at Duke-NUS Medical School with the mission of enabling more learners to benefit…
How do I download my activity’s grades?
This article shows you how to generate and export your learner grades. This Guide is for: Super Admin Teacher Admin (Full-Access) Teacher (Owner Full-Access) Steps on How to Download my…
How do I publish an activity?
This article will teach you how to publish your activity once you have created your activity and enrolled learners to your course as well as assigned them to teams or…
How do I modify my activity content?
…activity. Then you can publish the activity again after making changes. This means that once ongoing activities are set, you won’t be able to edit the points, questions, instructions, case…
How do I insert mathematical equations to answers?
This article will teach you how to insert a mathematical equation into an answer. This Guide is for: Learner Free Latex editor sites (Updated as of September 20th 2022)…
How do I randomize answer options order?
…start by creating an activity on your course dashboard or click continue setup. Randomize answer options order This option when toggled to “YES” shuffles order of the answer options for each learner….
How do I archive a course?
…be able to access the content of archived courses and find modules, activities, or questions, plus access the dashboard. Learners will no longer be able to access data from archived courses…
How do I create an IRAT & TRAT activity?
…(required) This is the name of the activity you are teaching. Description – (optional) Concise statements which informs a learner about the subject matter, approach, scope, and applicability of the…
How do I complete payment?
This article will teach you how to complete payment. Using your card, you make a direct payment via Stripe system. This Guide is for: Learners Steps on How to Complete…
What is the “SYNC” button for?
…you present the all activity data to the learner participants in real time. In the example below, both the show correct answer and show answer choices statistics option are turned…
How does “During team-based activities, team members will see what the team leader sees” work?
…the team leader sees option is turned to yes. If you turn this option to no during the activity creation process. Your learners will be able to login and view their answers without being…
How do I insert mathematical equations to questions?
…the bottom-right of the pop-up. Additional Information For Free Response questions, to allow learners to be able to insert mathematical equations ensure that “ALLOW RICH TEXT RESPONSES” is toggled to…
How does “Freeze last option choice” work?
…of InteDashboard? (A) IRAT (B) Peer Evaluation (C) Application Cases (D) All of the above On the learner’s side, the application will randomize the ordering of answers from A to C, but answer D will…
How do I create an individual Application Case activity?
This article will teach you how to create an individual Application Case activity. An individual-based Application case activity is a type of application wherein learners will take the test by…
LMS Integration URLs
This article will assist you with adding a quick launch link within your Learning Management System. Your learners and faculty will then be able to access InteDashboard directly from your…
How do I register to my course using the “course link”?
…for: Learners Steps on How to Register your Course Using the Course Link. Step 1 – Click the Express Sign-in URL to go to the registration page of your course….
How do I register to my course using the “course ID”?
This article will teach you how to register to your course using the Course ID once your instructor has given you the course ID. This Guide is for: Learners Steps…
How do I register to my course using my Microsoft account?
This article will teach you how to register to your course using your Microsoft account. This Guide is for: Learners Steps on How to Register your Course Using Your Microsoft…
How do I register to my course using my Google account?
This article will teach you how to register to your course using your Google account. This Guide is for: Learners Steps on How to Register your Course Using Your Google…
How do I edit questions in my activity?
…Activity Set all as One page – Allows the learner to view all questions set in one page. Create New Page – Allows the learner to view questions in multiple…
About Team-Based Learning
…Professor of Organization Psychology. With TBL, he devised a new way to continually engage you – the learner – and your teammates in deep and complex problem-solving while also making…
What are Roles?
…Admin (Full-Access) Teacher (Owner Full-Access) Super Admin The Super Admin is the main point of contact when it comes to support and administrative communication between your academic institution and InteDashboard….
What happens when I turn off grading in an Application Case activity?
…where learners are encouraged to further analyze and discuss certain cases and topics. Some Instructors use Application exercises to push that forward without necessarily grading the activity. This doesn’t mean…
What do the course access levels mean in InteDashboard?
…the course, it’s modules and activities, and is thus able to manipulate, modify, edit, delete and archive the course, its module and activities. Course Owners can add, disenroll and suspend learner accounts. InteDashboard…
How do I create a course?
…informs a learner about the subject matter, approach, scope, and applicability of the course. This could include learning objectives or any details you would like to reference. Step 4 –…
How does “Immediate Feedback” in IRAT work?
…will allow you to build your IRATs in a TRAT like manner in case you would like your learners to know how they are progressing through the activity, or in…
How do I hide A, B, C, D in an IRAT’s answer choices?
…different answer choices. In this case, InteDashboard will still assign the right and wrong answers without any issues, no matter what label is assigned to each answer. But you may…
How do I add hints and explanations to questions?
This article will teach you how you can add hints and explanations to questions in your activity. This is useful especially when you want to create activities where learners can…
How do I sign in to InteDashboard from my LMS?
…Step 2 – Click the “InteDashboard” button from the LMS you are using for your class. the activation of learner accounts happens as soon as learners click on the InteDashboard button….
How do I create a Prework activity?
This article will teach you how to create a Prework activity. Prework activity type allows you to upload preparatory materials for your learners such as readings, presentation slides, audio lectures or…
How do I transfer grades to my LMS?
…TBL educators mark and weight grades very differently. Some will only give learners a TRAT score if they achieve a minimum on the IRAT. Others will disregard the low and…
Symbolic timer
…learners will be kicked out of the activity once the timer ends. If the Symbolic timer is turned on, learners will not be kicked out of the activity once the…
How do I integrate InteDashboard with D2L Brightspace?
…this type of LTI connection: Learners entering InteDashboard will only see activities when they are placed in teams within a course on Intedashboard. Learners who are enrolled in one course…
What are the TRAT Optional Settings?
…setup. Allow students to upload files This option when toggled to “YES” allows learners to upload files that will be supplementary to their answers. Students must answer questions in sequence…
How do I view elaborations in Application case answers?
…the page and click on each team to see the elaborations. Learners are going to be able to view other teams/learners elaborations and attachments once you open the Presentation Mode….
Where can I put case data in my activity?
…question stem box to create a link. Learners will be able to click the link in the question stem to see the case data. (Best for linking videos from other websites.)…
I am unable to login
This guide is for Super Admin Teacher Admin (Full-Access) Teacher (Owner, Full-Access) Learners This article will guide you on how to retrieve your account email and password. Check the following…
How does “Team Reporter” work?
…“Take Over As Team Reporter” button. Instructors may also remind their learners that they can also allow other members of the team to submit for the group by using the…
How does publishing a Prework work?
…no longer be able to access the content of this activity. Even published, you can still add more materials to the Prework. Steps on How to Add More Materials to…
How do I enable 2FA Security for users?
…security process. By enabling it for learners only. All learners within your organization will need to confirm their InteDashboard login via the 2FA security process. Both security features are not…
Understanding activity status
This article will help you understand the different activity status. This Guide is for: Super Admin Teacher Admin (Full-Access) Teacher (Owner Full-Access) Learner Instructor Synchronous Activity Status Draft – Activity…
How do I lock / unlock team reporter roles within teams?
…“Go to Dashboard”on the right-side of your actions column of the activity. Step 4 – Click the game console icon button beside the learner avatar in the attendance section of your…
How does grading a confidence-based test work?
This article will explain how learners are graded on a Confidence-Based IRAT. This Guide is for: Super Admin Teacher Admin (Full-Access) Teacher, (Owner Full-Access) Larry Michelsen’s confidence based testing method…
What are “Rating Scale” type of questions?
…a Rating Scale Question Appear on the Learner’s Page Learners will see the rating scale questions appear like so on their page, with the scale weight on top, the label…
What is PBCC?
…discriminating the item. This indicates that learners who got high test scores got the item correct, whereas learners who had low test scores got the item incorrect. Items with discrimination…
How do I release 360 Degree Evaluation anonymously?
…This allows your learners to see the current activity listed on their InteDashboard page. If you were to turn this off, then your learners will not be able to see…
How do I create a 360 Degree Self-evaluation activity?
…– (optional) Concise statements which informs a learner about the subject matter, approach, scope, and applicability of the activity. This could include learning objectives or any details you would like…
What are the IRAT Optional Settings?
…click continue setup. Enable Immediate Feedback This option when toggled to “YES” will give learners instant feedback as to whether or not their answers are right or wrong. This feature…
How do I create an Application Case activity?
…the activity you are teaching. Description – (optional) Concise statements which informs a learner about the subject matter, approach, scope, and applicability of the activity. This could include learning objectives…
How do I create a 360 Degree Evaluation activity?
…name of the activity you are teaching. Description – (optional) Concise statements which informs a learner about the subject matter, approach, scope, and applicability of the activity. This could include…
What is Peer-Evaluation – Michaelsen’s Method?
…Set the Interaction Settings. Interaction Settings – (required) select options on how learners will answer the activity. Instructions to Learners – (optional) Input or upload instructions for learners. Step 9 –…
What is IRAT Confidence-based Testing?
…The thought process is very different if the learner is thinking, “I remember this question from the preparation material, but I am really not sure what is the correct answer….
How do I run activities across multiple sections?
…& Paste and File Upload functions you can set learners into different sections through the process itself via the spreadsheet that contains the learner data. Though you will need to…
How do I run an asynchronous IRAT activity?
…learners will be able to answer the test, change and re-change their answer from the beginning to the end of the open period. Note that once learners hit the “Submit”…
How to setup an e-Gallery Walk?
…teams. This would automatically show the teams’ answers to learners on their own screens. Click on the Thumbs Up! button to mark Good Answers. Step 7 – Initialize e-Gallery Walk. Select the…
How to run Peer Evaluation – Michaelsen’s Method?
…points per team member excluding themselves. For instance, if there’s a team of 7 people, each learner will receive 60 points to allocate amongst the other learners in the group. …
How do I use Express Sign in?
…can just copy and paste this in their browsers to go to the course registration screen). The Sign-In QR Code (The QR code leads learners to the course registration screen). The Course ID (Learners…
Run my first activity using the Dashboard
…to access further details on a learner by learner basis. Finally you will have the questions area which will allow you to synchronize the show correct answer and show answer…
What is e-Gallery Walk?
…is an active teaching strategy that lets learners walk around the classroom to see their fellow learners’ work/project. This strategy deviates from a lecture-based type of strategy. It’s an interactive technique that taps not only on skills in…
How do I start a discussion about my activity’s questions?
…to share-screen or project the leaderboard while teams and learners are answering the activity. Clarifications The “Clarifications” page contains all question requests submitted by the teams or learners. Learners have…
360 Degree Evaluation dashboard features
…the learners took to answer the evaluation. Attendance for Section The Attendance Block shows the list of learners in each team and tells whether or not they have entered and…
How do I create an activity?
…learners will answer the activity. Click here to learn how for IRAT Instructions to Learners – (optional) Input or upload instructions for learners. Step 6 – Click the green button…
How to run a 360 Degree Evaluation activity?
…Block in the dashboard to see if the learners are in the test or which learner has logged in and entered the test. For synchronous 360 Degree Peer Evaluation, it would be…
I do not know my own learner account email or password
This guide is for Learners This is a common issue that can be easily fixed. If you are unsure of your learner account email—our recommendation is to try your academic…
My learners will use an LMS to sign in to InteDashboard
This article will teach you how to integrate an LMS to InteDashboard so that your learners will be able to use an LMS to sign in to InteDashboard. After this…
How do I enroll late enrollees?
This article will show you how to add learners to your course one-by-one manually. This is the most simple and straight forward approach. It’s also a good way to add…
How do I view the courses associated with learners?
This article will teach you how to view what courses learners are a part of. This Guide is for: Super Admin Teacher Admin (Full-Access) Teacher Owner (Full Access) Steps on…
Where do I find the template to add learners?
This article shows you where to find the approved CSV template used to add learners and questions data during your activity setup. This Guide is for: Super Admin Teacher Admin…
How do I change my learner’s team assignment?
This article shows you how to re-organize your learners into different teams. This Guide is for: Super Admin Teacher Admin (Full-Access) Teacher (Owner Full-Access) Steps on How to Change my…
How to activate my InteDashboard learner account?
This article will guide you through the learner account activation process. This guide is for Learners Steps on How to Activate your Learner Account. Step 1 – Find the email…
How can I preview an activity as a learner?
…established as a quality check before moving ahead to publish the activity and changes can be made to your activity setup after previewing as a learner and before publishing the…
How do I upload learner list in Zoom?
…in the pre-assign room name and emails of the learners. The learners’ room assignments are based on their teams. Learners should be logged in to Zoom using the same email…
How do I enable learners to self-register with their Microsoft accounts?
…domain of your organization in the form to make sure that only learners that have emails with that domain come into your course. This will prevent issues related to learners…
How do I enable learners to self-register with their Google accounts?
…domain of your organization in the form to make sure that only learners that have emails with that domain come into your course. This will prevent issues related to learners…
How do I disenroll a number of learners from my course?
…learners enrolled in a course. Disenrolling learners from a course one by one may be cumbersome so a mass disenrollment is a better way to get it done. This Guide…
How do I make payment for learners using “Gift Subscriptions”?
This article will teach you how to make payment for learners using “Gift Subscriptions”. Payments for learners to gain full access their InteDashboard account can be gifted by instructors. You…
How can I add learners to “ongoing” activities?
…Admin Teacher (Full-Access) Teacher (Owner Full-Access) Steps on How to Add Learners to “Ongoing” Activities Step 1 – Once the learner has signed in, you will receive a notification in…
How do i put my learners into teams?
This article shows you how to assign learners into teams. This Guide is for: Super Admin Teacher Admin (Full-Access) Teacher (Owner Full-Access) Steps on How to put Learners into Teams…
How do I hide activities from learners?
…learner’s end. This is particularly helpful if you have lots of published activities and your learners have taken a bunch of them already. You can declutter the dashboard of your…
How do I create generic learners in a course?
…about learners and need to quickly set up teams for your activities. Cons: You won’t be able to easily maintain records of performance data regarding your learners on InteDashboard. This…
How do I make accommodations for learners with special needs?
…of how to make accommodations for learners with special needs. This Guide is for: Super Admin Admin Teacher (Full-Access) Teacher (Owner Full-Access) Steps on How to Make Accommodations for Learners…
How do I enroll learners to a course via file upload?
…learner details Additional Information You can check if your learners have activated their accounts by looking into the student organization data within your course. Learner usernames(emails) cannot be changed after…
How do I make grades viewable to learners?
…make grades viewable when activities have ended. This Guide is for: Super Admin Admin Teacher (Full-Access) Teacher (Owner Full-Access) Steps on How to Make Grades Viewable for IRAT & TRAT…
How do I populate learners while using an LMS?
This article will teach you how to populate learners while using an LMS. Once learners obtain their access code from your organizational bookstore, they’ll submit the code at activation or…
How do I enroll learners to a course?
…up. I want to enroll my learners myself Learners can be registered to the course by invitation-only. This means, only learners with an invitation can join the course. You can…
How do I enable learners to self-register with an email and password?
…enroll themselves in a course. Instructors don’t need to upload files or enroll learners one-by one. They would only need to send a link to learners and let the learners…
How do I enroll learners to a course via copy & paste?
This guide is for instructors who want to enroll learners by themselves. This will teach you how to paste the information of your learners into InteDashboard. You may paste names,…
How do I run asynchronous activities?
…extend the time or end the activity already. The bars represent the following counters. ❶ Learners who may time out At the start of the activity, all learners who are…
How do I integrate InteDashboard with Canvas?
…you decide to upload your learner roster via one of the main learner addition methods, the learner may be merged into one when they authenticate from Canvas into InteDashboard. We…
How do I run synchronous activities?
…activity from the learners, (2) allow learners to see their questions and answers (only at the end of the activity), (3) release the scores to learners (only at the end…
My learner cannot see the activity
…enrolled, the learner should appear here. a – Is the learner enrolled to the course? ⃝ NO, please enroll the learners. Click here to manually enroll learners to the course….
Learner Management
…will see all the instructors instructors in your organization as well as learners that have ever signed up for a course within your organization. This includes manual, generic, and bulk…